
Been a Minute, August 11, 2023

Man in the Window, ink, drawing by Bill Hendricks, 2023
Man in the Window, Hendricks©2023

If you can dream – and not make dreams your master;
If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim;

~ “If” – Rudyard Kipling

I can tell you 101 things that have kept me away from this blog, but with the help of people and, most recently, the Mighty Mo helped with a few more adjustments, I will begin to post more frequently. 

I have been organizing the images I can post for the last few days. I have been drawing, exploring various tactile media, and focusing on 3D software for the past two years. I am at the point where I can start showing my work. So my last push is to get the blog up and running again.

Bear with me; you will see more of my work and other posts soon.

Bill : )