An Echo, a Shadow, Nothingness…Whoa!

In order to experience a poem, we must understand it; in order to understand it; we must hear it, see it, contemplate it—convert it into an echo, a shadow, nothingness. Comprehension is a spiritual exercise.

Octavio Paz,
Alternating Current, p. 49


Floating through Space and Time
Floating through Space and Time,  Mixed-media,  Hendricks@2023

I don’t think I am creating anything as profound as Paz describes, but as I said many times in this blog—I am on a path, which is not totally visible to me. I get glimpses, but never too sure what I see.
I do want to say that just because I post works of art, I do not think they are grand, that the technique is refined, or the lines sure and sharp. I know they are not. However, as I do and study my ideas, my voice and path will clarify.
There is one thing I want readers and friends to know, and that is that I believe in a power greater than ourselves, and there is a piece, a bit, of that power, that Light within each of us. I don’t know if I am a theist, non-theist, pantheist, or panentheist. Whatever I am, I seek to reach, connect, and engage with that Light that exists within me… and you. I am saying this partly because I have avoided saying it in the public eye of art critics and peers.
OH MY GOD! I just came out again.  😆

Frustration Builds …

A bit frustrated because I have been so busy. Doing least than expected but more of everything else that really is important but not doing as much art as I might.

My Web Tools class and my Intro Class, Thurs a.m are doing some very good work. The web Tools class in particularly interesting to me because so few had HTML. They experienced a huge learning curve at the beginning but many have a keen understanding of what they are doing.

As for myself, I am still captivated by shadows on houses and the lines produced by nature. The bare trees now are taking on more complex shapes as the leaves begin to bud. The few I took yesterday have very angle shapes… almost pained but then too it is a conversation about life and rebirth or even a comparison abut sleeping and death. This image almost rips the atmosphere as it slashes through the image.

A cracking in our foundation… a tear in society as we wrestle with global warming, immigration… the economy. Maybe that is what I am seeing as these shadows are fragmenting our institutions, homes and businesses.

My time I think will be taken up this week by getting my work over to Soo Visual Arts Center and getting it up and running. A little nervous about getting Grinder up and running again.Well, perhaps more this week. As my week progresses.